

HISPACK 2018 참가
2021.04.09 10:00

From May 8 to 11, 2018, the Gran Via complex of the Fira de Barcelona will host Hispack 2018, featuring everything to do with packaging,

processing and logistics. Of the 700 tradeshow exhibitors that will come together for this event, there will be approximately 50 businesses

specialised in intralogistics, handling and storage. In addition, the fair will include specific activities for logistics professionals like

conferences, round-table discussions, talks, etc. The director of Hispack, Xavier Pascual, has kindly taken time to speak with the

editorial team at Mecalux to explain what is planned for the seventeenth edition of this benchmark event in the Iberian packaging market.

What is the added value of Hispack compared to other fairs in this sector?

Hispack is a large-scale packing and packaging industrial fair featuring the Iberian market and appeals to the packaging ecosystem

as a whole with the best supply and demand. We are the facilitators, bringing together a business synergy in one space that will directly

benefit visitors and those here to display. And also, since we know how to create knowledge and networking spaces related to packaging,

this is definitely useful for professionals from different sectors.

What is more, we have a hand in promoting the internationalisation of the sector, since many SMEs end up exporting to countries they

would never otherwise plan on doing business in, thanks to contacts made during the fair or from participating in the business meetings.

WEBSITE : http://www.hispack.com/en/

STAND : Hall3 D488, PTK & Comaq Casol
